Thursday, March 10, 2016

Multicultural Week


Last week Oaklands school has a multi- cultural week where we celebrated the amazing range of cultures we have here.


We learned about other people's cultures. It was really fun. I made a flag of South Korea with Samuel. We also produced a poster about South Korea.


We are going to be leanring more about the different cultures in Room 24 this tarm
includin ghealthy  snacks.

My Reading blog

Boys V Beast


This is the book I have just finished reading as part of my reading goal which  is to be able to read for longer periods of time and retain meaning.


I liked how there were every kind of land. Some would be fire, water, ice and wind. Sometimes the beast would rise up out of the volcano and the volcano pieces would burst everywhere. I like it how sometimes they have special abilities.


My goal is also to read a variety of genre. This book was a science fiction / fantasy genre. The next genre I am going to read is non-fiction.


Welcome to my learning blog for 2016.

Here you will be able to read about the things I have been learning in Room 24.

It would be great if you could post a comment about my learning.